Special Educational Needs, Disability and Inclusion Policy

Safeguarding and Welfare Requirement: Equal Opportunities

Providers must have and implement a policy, and procedures, to promote equality of opportunity for children in their care, including support for children with special educational needs or disabilities.


Statement of intent:

We provide an environment in which all children are supported to reach their full potential. We have regard for the DfES Special Educational Needs Code of Practice.


  • We have designated members of staff at each setting who are the Special Educational Needs and Disability Co-ordinators (SENDCO).




Zoe Marler-Hausen


CACHE Level 3 Qualified for SENDCo in Early Years Settings



  • Any training courses/information meetings attended by the SENDCO will be cascaded to all staff through discussions in the weekly staff meeting and copying relevant information for everyone


  • We ensure that our admissions policy ensures equality of access and opportunity.


  • We ensure that our physical environment is, as far as possible, suitable for children with disabilities.


  • We praise, endorse and encourage desirable behaviour such as kindness and willingness to share.


  • The provision will encourage children to value and respect others. We support children with expressing their feeling and encouraging them on resolving conflicts.


  • We recognise that young children require help in understanding the range of feelings experienced and help them recognise their feelings by naming them and helping them express them in a non-aggressive way.


  • We provide a differentiated, broad and balanced curriculum to meet individual needs and abilities. In line with the revised Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage, if a child’s progress in any prime or specific area of development gives cause for concern, the practitioners will and must discuss this with the child’s parents / carers and agree how to support the child.


  • We use a system of planning, implementing, monitoring, evaluating and reviewing individual education plans for children with SEND. We have regular child meetings to view and monitor inclusive practices and change the environment as and when needed. (I.e dual language, move furniture for wheelchair users).


  • Children who have Individual Education Plans (IEPs) or Individual Behaviour Plans (IBPs) have a review date which is carried out with the SENDCO, key person and parent, where action points are discussed and developed. On moving to school we liaise with school SENDCO and use these meetings to highlight other professionals involved, key areas of strengths and needs, to enable a smooth transition.


  • Where we have identified a child a having SEND we work in partnership with parents using a graduated approach where we plan the support needed to be put in place to achieve the desired outcomes, we then will implement the interventions (do) and then review the effectiveness of the support and impact on the child’s progress.


  • Where necessary, after following our graduated approach we may refer to our Area SENDCO and other relevant agencies and professional bodies with the parent’s prior written permission, to gain further support and liaise with relevant agencies.


  • If a child with a recognised/diagnosed SEND is admitted to the preschool we will work with involved professions in advance in order to fully cater for their needs.


  • We ensure the privacy of children with SEND when intimate care is being provided.


  • We hold regular meetings with parents/carers to discuss progress, strategies and next steps in the form of an Individual Education Plan.  All meetings will be documented and shared with parents/carers and team members working with the child.


  • If a child has not made expected progress with interventions in place, we may request an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) assessment to be carried out. We have full support and information in place for families at this stage.


  • Inappropriate attitudes and practise will not be tolerated by practitioners, children or other adults and if observed will result in both disciplinary and/or additional training. New staff are given training on appropriate behaviour during induction process, and regularly monitored.


  • Where a child has an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP) the Local Authority must review that plan every 12 months as a minimum and will liaise with parents/carers and the setting.


  • The designated SENDCO is in place to:


  • Ensure that implementation of support for children with additional needs are carried out.
  • Ensure that all practitioners understand their responsibilities to children with SEND and the settings approach to identifying and meeting SEND
  • Advise and support colleagues
  • Ensure that parents are closely involved throughout and their insights inform action taken by the setting.
  • Liaise with professionals or agencies beyond the setting.


  • All records relating to SEND will be kept for 33 years.










Document ID-


Policy adopted at meeting – Oct 2007

Reviewed by : Ladybirds Directors


Date reviewed


Dec 2018


Sept 2017


March 2018



Mar 2018


27/03/2024 Zoe Marler-Hausen


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