Outdoor Play

Safeguarding and Welfare Requirement: Safety and Suitability of Premises, Environment and Equipment.

Providers must provide access to an outdoor play area


Statement of intent:

We believe that outdoor play is a basic right for all children regardless of their background or ability. It forms a central part of all early years’ provision and is vital for the physical, social and emotional wellbeing of young children.


  • Our outside play area is securely fenced with a high fence and a lockable gate. 
  • The area is checked for hazards before each session. Where water can form a pool on equipment it is emptied before the children start play.
  • Sections will be closed off if considered to be hazardous
  • Outdoor activities are supervised at all times.
  • We recognise that some children prefer to work outdoors therefore the pre-school ensures that weekly and daily plans for the sessions include outdoor activities which cater for the children’s developmental needs and interests.
  • We strive to make the outside play area as exciting, challenging and interesting as possible whilst giving the children freedom to move and run around freely.
  • We aim to give children access to the outside area for 90% of the free play part of the session.
  • In cases where it is raining or cold etc, we will provide the relevant rain proof clothing and Wellington boots for the children and staff to wear to enable them to continue with outdoor activities if they wish.
  • Outdoor play may be limited in extreme cold weather.
  • We ensure that a shaded area is available for the children to play in during hot, sunny days to protect them from the sun and closely monitor the length of time they spend outside especially during the hottest part of the day between 11am-3pm.
  • We constantly review and evaluate our outside play area implementing new ideas, improving and changing it.
  • We provide a free flow system between the inside and outdoor environments, enabling children to decide where they prefer to work.
  • Our staff team are deployed effectively to ensure ratios in and out of doors remain constant.
  • Parents/carers are consulted about improvements to the outside play area and are encouraged to get involved with any improvements or work undertaken




Document ID-


Policy adopted at meeting – Oct 2017

Reviewed by : Ladybirds Directors


Date reviewed




Oct 2017



Feb 2018





Providers must provide access to an outdoor play area

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