Safeguarding and Welfare Requirement: Information and records
Providers must make the following information available to parents and/or carers; then range and type of activities and experiences provided for the children, the daily routines of the setting, and how parents and carers can share learning at home.
Statement of Intent:
At Ladybirds Pre-School we aim to provide high quality, affordable and accessible care and education for all children in a happy and safe environment through play, both indoors and outdoors, and by working in partnership with parents/carers and the local community.
We believe that:
‘Playing is children’s work; it is their learning for life’
The Session:
As a team we are committed to an active learning environment so that children are able to follow their interests. We provide this through:
We operate a key person system. This means a member of staff has a group of children for whom they are particularly responsible. Each key person’s observations and record keeping provides the information required to plan appropriate activities to develop the individual child.
We, as a staff team, have created and adopted a ‘Code of Practice’ which is designed to reflect how we treat each other, the children and parents/carers whilst ensuring best practice is shared and areas of weakness identified and addressed
Parental/carer Involvement:
Through careful planning and organisation of our routine, environment and curriculum we implement the principles of The Early Years Foundation Stage and Birth to Five Matters
Review date |
Sept 2017 |
march 2024 |
Feb 2018 |
05/11/2019 |
July 2021 |