

Safeguarding and Welfare Requirement: Safety and Suitability of Premises, Environment and Equipment.

Providers must take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of children, staff and others on the premises.

Providers must only release children into the care of individuals who have been notified to the provider by the parent, and must ensure that children do not leave the premises unsupervised.

Statement of intent:

We believe that the security of our children and staff is of paramount importance and regularly review and amend our security arrangements as necessary.




On arrival:

  • When children arrive at the pre-school, they enter the pre-school via


Porchester Rd

The gate on Porchester Road.


  • AM  sessions


Porchester Rd

 A member of staff will be on the door leading into the pre-school, and on the gate to welcome all parents and children.


  • PM sessions

Porchester Rd



A member of staff will be on the door leading into the pre-school, and on the gate to welcome all parents and children.



  • The children are brought into the pre-school by the parents/carers from the garden entrance.  The child remains the responsibility of the parent until they enter the pre-school premises. The parents/carers will then leave or remain and a member of staff will take the register.
  • On arrival to work staff will enter the pre-school. They will sign in on arrival and departure.  All staff will be registered in and marked as present.


  • During the session:



The main gate into the pre-school garden is always closed and can only be accessed by a security code, only known to the staff and changed at regular intervals.

Anyone wishing to enter the pre-school during session time, must enter via the gate. Should no-one be available in the garden there is a sign to ask the visitor to telephone the Pre-School for access. A member of staff will let them in. All visitors to the pre-school will be required to sign in and take an out of a visitor’s book and take a badge then hand in their mobile phone.













On departure:


When collecting children at the end of the session, parents/carers must wait at the gate, once open,then walk to the first door

  • AM and PM Session -  A member of staff will open and stay at the gate on Porchester Road allowing parents/carers to enter and leave the garden.
  •  A member of staff will be on the door leading into the pre-school.





  • A member of staff will call one child at a time but only when they have seen that that child’s parent/carer is waiting for them and aware they are coming out next.
  • If parents/carers wish to speak to the pre-school manager or any member of staff they must wait until all children have been escorted out. This is to ensure that the manager or member of staff is not distracted whilst children are being collected and that the children have our full attention.
  • If anyone other than the person who normally collects your child is to collect them, it is vital that you inform the pre-school of this either when dropping them off or by telephone. You will be asked to name and describe the person who will be collecting your child and advise us of their password. The person collecting the child will also be asked for your child’s password.  When an alternative adult is to collect a child a slip will be filled out and placed in the register with a brief description of the adult collecting and the parent/carer will be required to give their child’s password and sign to give their consent.  Where a request is made over the phone the password will be required and the slip will have a note to state that the request was made by telephone.



All members of staff will wear the pre-school uniform and will display name tags, therefore making them identifiable to parents/carers and visitors.



Document ID-


Policy adopted at meeting – Oct 2007

Reviewed by : Ladybirds Directors


Date reviewed




Sept 2017



Feb 2018




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© Ladybirds Preschool Southampton