Emergency Planning

Safeguarding and Welfare Requirement: Staff: Child ratios

Staffing arrangements must meet the needs of all children and ensure their safety


Statement of Intent:

We believe that the health and safety of all our children and staff is of paramount importance and will take the necessary steps to ensure that procedures are in place to keep all our children and staff healthy and safe where possible.


Risk Assessment:

  • Our risk assessment process includes checking for hazards and risks indoors and outside.
  • We have public and employer liability insurance


Emergency closure:

The following procedures will be followed should the preschool be required to close due to an emergency situation (this can include outbreak of an infectious disease, extreme weather, no electricity/water, vermin issues):


  • The Manager will liaise with the Other Setting manager /other Directors and St Patrick’s School (if felt necessary) regarding the closure and reasons for it
  • The Manager/Deputy  will telephone all staff advising them of the situation and the next course of action
  • The Manager will put a notice on the entrance gate advising that the pre-school is closed, why and details of who to contact – where possible the notice should confirm the date the pre-school
  • Where the weather is extreme and it is dangerous to travel, please check our website www.ladybirdsrus.co.uk , Parents Facebook page and Tapestry for up to date details of the closure
  • Ladybirds preschool will endeavour to fall in line with the local school arrangements with regard to closures due to extreme weather/ heavy snow and we will remain in contact with the local schools for updating parents via the above process
  • The Manager will contact the following organisations to advise them of the situation, if appropriate:

OFSTED – 0300 123 1231

Public Health England (if health related or infectious disease) – 0300 303 8162 (South West Region Bristol)

Environmental Health Agency (if related to environment including vermin, sewerage leak) – 08708 506 506



Upon re-opening the pre-school, a follow up letter will be sent to all parents/carers and OFSTED confirming why pre-school had closed and what action was taken to rectify situation and ensure that where possible it does not re-occur.



Evacuation procedures are;




The fire whistle will be blown by a practitioner.  On hearing the whistle staff will evacuate all children using the designated fire exits and muster in the preschool garden alongside the fence at the furthest corner (righthand side) of the garden. (evacuation point 1).  A headcount will take place to confirm that all attending children and adults have been successfully evacuated. The register and fire evacuation bag containing high visibility jacket, rope and the contact telephone numbers of families will be taken.  For children with care plans – a copy of the care plan and relevant medication will also be included.


If instructed by the emergency services, we will evacuate to evacuation point 2 – St Patrick’s Primary School, where the same procedure for contacting parents/carers will be carried out. The Manager/Deputy telephone St Patrick’s School and begin to escort the children across Porchester Road and into the School. Parents/carers will be contacted if the premises is unsafe to return to and asked to collect children.  Staff will remain with the children, keeping within statutory ratios, until all children are collected.  The Manager and/or Deputy will stay until all of the children are collected.




On receiving a threat at preschool the Manager/Deputy will inform St Patrick’s Primary School evacuate as detailed for FIRE EVACUATION, proceeding directly to evacuation point 2.  The evacuation will pause briefly on exiting the school premises in the garden to do a headcount to ensure that all staff and children are accounted for. Once evacuated to evacuation point 2 (as for FIRE EVACUATION) notification and collection procedures will be carried out as per FIRE EVACUATION.






A LOCK-DOWN is an internal safety procedure to use in the unlikely event of persons entering the preschool that are deemed to be a safety risk to children and/or adults.  The preschool will carry out a practiced procedure where children and adults will (if outdoors come inside)the door to the building will be locked, then quietly congregate in an area of the preschool room, out of sight of intruders.  Blinds will be pulled down and staff/children will wait quietly until a member of the emergency services notify the preschool that the area is now safe.


Parents will be notified to collect children once the emergency has passed.




In order for the above procedures to be carried out swiftly and safely in the event of an emergency, practice drills will be carried out on each of the emergency procedure listed above.  In order not to cause unnecessary risk or duress to preschool children, evacuation point 2 will NOT be used for a practice drill.  The practice will comprise of an evacuation to evacuation point 1.


The preschool carry out regular, additional practice drills in order to ensure that all children, despite their attendance pattern practice evacuations.  Children become used to the practices and see them as small adventures, rather than being upset or worried, and would therefore be much calmer in a real emergency situation.


In the event of the preschool being first point of contact/on the scene of any of the above emergency situations, the preschool will alert the St Patrick’s School and the Parkside setting either in person, or by telephone.



 This policy was adopted at a meeting of Ladybirds Preschool held on 7th November 2007. 

Updated by agreement of Ladybirds Directors on 9/3/2017.




Review date


March 17


Oct 17


Feb 2018





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